Top 5 Natural Self-Care Tips for Stress Relief
Self-care is necessary to create health and wellbeing. It is the foundation of a thriving vibrant body, mind and spirit.
There are natural wellness practices that can empower our self-care, through supporting our health and reducing stress.
Nature provides so much of what we need to optimize our health and bodies, from plants and herbs to nourish us, water to cleanse us, and sunlight to energize us.
Through creating healthy habits of exercise, bodywork, nutrition, and self-care we can support our body’s innate natural ability to create balance.
To thrive in the modern world filled with high stress and fast-paced living, we must tend carefully to the wellness of our whole body and mind.
When we take time for self-care, it reduces our stress levels, which then creates a cascade of positive changes in our body, mind, and health.
Managing stress improves our wellbeing in a myriad of ways.
The importance of self-care as the primary act of health care, has been taught to me many times.
My own experiences have impressed upon me the importance of allowing ourselves time to rest fully and periodically.
There are times in my life when I did not honor the time to rest regularly, and worked myself to sickness.
I’ve learned that it’s not just a day of catching up of sleep that needs to happen when you push yourself too far.
Overworking ourselves can become a habit, and then add on life’s unexpected situations, like pregnancies, injuries, sickness, or moving - and it can lead to burnout.
Burnout is not just mental overwhelm from exhaustion and stress, it can be a sign chronic inflammation, adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalance, digestive issues, and more.
It’s essential to nurture and pamper ourselves with wellness practices that support our vitality and nourish our health.
Stress is the #1 cause of disease, leading to chronic conditions, mental stagnation, and causing us to stop living our purpose fully.
When I've experienced anxiety, trauma, and depression in my life, it's manifested in physical aches and pains, increased susceptibility to getting sick, and a lack of desire to do things that would usually bring me joy and content.
The brain doesn't know the difference between big stress and little stress. Whether it's the news, worry about a loved one, or crazy traffic, the effects of stress build up in our body.
We need to trick our brains out of the crazy stress mode into rediscovering our source of peace, calm, balance, focus and energy within.
When we focus on small action steps to care for ourselves and find our center, healing and motivation, than we can switch off the flow of stress that's overriding our full vitality and create change.
Through nurturing ourselves we can then cultivate the energy to find solutions, make a difference and see new perspectives to help us achieve our greatest potential.
My favorite ways to find calm and reboot my nervous system is through scientifically proven wellness lifestyle practices.
There are simple self-care habits that support the natural health of our bodies and brains.
Top 5 Natural Self-Care Tips for Stress Relief
#1: Light: Brighten Your Mood
Get 10 - 15 minutes of sunlight each day, in the morning hours.
Get outdoors in nature several times a week.
Use blue light filters on your phone and computers.
Turn screens off 2 hours before bedtime.
Try a light therapy lamp.
#2: Water: Get Refreshed
Drink filtered water or fresh spring water.
Stay hydrated.
Bring your own water with you in a non-plastic container.
Soak in a hot bath.
Take a warm shower.
End a shower with cold water.
#3: Food: Nourish Yourself
Eat more vegetables.
Take a daily multi-vitamin.
Try a fish oil supplement with Vitamin D.
Drink a green drink everyday.
Prepare homemade food with natural ingredients.
Brings healthy snacks with you when you go out.
Learn about herbs. Drink tea.
Eat organic, grass-fed, wild, seasonal, and local.
Try CBD.
#4: Move: Exercise Your Body
Stretch daily.
Practice diaphragmatic breathing.
Dance to upbeat music.
Do aerobic exercise.
Do light weight lifting.
Go for a walk.
Try foam rolling or body rolling with a ball for relieving muscle tension.
#5: Rest: Slow Down
Do something that is calming for you.
Schedule time to rest.
Log out of social media.
Turn off the wifi.
Go to bed earlier.
Let your skin rest from wearing makeup.
Minimize your stuff.
Embrace slow living.
There are many more ways you can boost your self-care with natural wellness, however this is a great way to focus on simple ways to de-stress.
The top 5 natural self-care keys to focus on are: Light, Water, Food, Movement, and Rest.
If you find yourself feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or stressed out, start going over these 5 natural wellness tips to see if you need to focus on self-care from one of these areas.
It’s amazing how therapeutic self-care can be when integrating natural healing practices into our daily lives.
Wishing you health and wellness!
Many blessings,
Kara Maria