Holistic Wellness Education & Resources for Self-Care

Kara Maria Ananda


I’m Kara Maria Ananda, a holistic wellness educator, mentor, and advocate who’s passionate about natural living, women’s health, and empowered self-care.

I have over 25 years of professional experience in the healing arts, as a wellness practitioner, teacher, coach, and writer.

My mission is to inspire people to create wellness in their body, mind, and spirit through education, entrepreneurship, and health.

I encourage people to take charge of their health naturally through holistic living and empowering self-care tools, practices, and education.

Light Therapy Patching

Discover the amazing wellness technology by LifeWave to support cellular vitality and rejuvenation through phototherapy patches that work through the power of light.

LifeWave X39

Experience light therapy through a patented phototherapy patch that revitalizes the cellular energy of your whole body.

Holistic Wellness Courses Online

Empowering Natural Health for Women, Birth, and Self-Care

Holistic Self Care Mentor Training

Holistic Self-Care Mentor Training

Be a leader in wellness lifestyle education, coaching, and support.

Holistic Women's Wellness Mentor Training

Holistic Women’s Wellness Mentor Training

Be a leader in women’s health education, coaching, and support.

Natural Childbirth Educator Training

Holistic Birth Mentor Training

Be a leader in supporting mothers, babies, and families in the childbearing year.


I feel like I have hit a jackpot of knowledge that feels like a goldmine others have yet to find. Everything was so in-depth and I loved the extra resources and support that was offered throughout. I feel very confident that I can help women throughout their life stages as well as become a successful mentor! Thank you, Kara!
— Hanna Martocchio
I’ve worked in the natural foods industry for the past 30 years and your course has been the perfect thing to remind me what are the most important, topics and issues women face. Your teaching style is commonsense and down to earth and you offered lots of additional reference material for each unit. What you covered here in the course are things most women don’t know and would appreciate learning from a trusted source. Anyone taking your course will be a great resource to themselves, their families, and communities.
— Carmen Reyes