Boost Your Whole Body Wellness with Light Therapy and the LifeWave X39 patch

Light Therapy to Elevate Your Whole Body Wellness

Light is essential for all biological life to thrive.

We know that light directly affects our health in a multitude of ways - such as how sunshine causes our body to produce vitamin D and how an infrared sauna assists the body to detoxify.

But did you know that certain kinds of light can stimulate cellular activity?

I learned about a phenomenal light therapy (phototherapy) technology that activates cellular wellness and I've been experiencing profound effects from it! 

The most amazing thing is that this phototherapy is in the form of a patch that you simply apply like a band-aid and go about your day.

The Lifewave X39 patch works by structuring your body's own infrared light in a way that enhances your whole body wellness.

Inventor, scientist, and CEO of LifeWave, David Schmidt came up with a patented unique method of stimulating cellular activity through the non-pharmacological and non-invasive technology of light therapy patches. 

This is an incredible breakthrough in science by a brilliant mind, for David Schmidt now has over 100 patents in light therapy, regenerative health, and stem cell science.

It's the reason why I am waking up feeling amazing, happy, and my kids are overjoyed that I am singing, dancing, and playing with them all throughout the day again, after going through a challenging period with bodily discomfort.

When I found out about these light patches and their ability to support the body to repair itself I was so excited!

LifeWave X39 Phototherapy Light Patch

I've been LOVING these patches.

However, the results have by far exceeded my hopes! My husband and I have been blown away by how powerful, palpable, and transformational these light therapy patches are in so many facets of our well-being, energy, mood, and life!

We have both been working in the field of natural health for over 25 years and have tried SO MANY different products, practices, and tools. Neither of us has ever experienced something so powerful in so many ways. And it surprised us how quickly we noticed the difference.

The very first day we started using the patches we felt awesome and accomplished about 4 times the amount of activity and creativity that we normally do in a day - without being tired! 

So, I am super excited to share the power of phototherapy patches with you, because I know this is an incredible life-changing self-care tool! I haven't felt this inspired, energized, and pain-free in YEARS!

Learn More Here:

If you know anyone who could benefit from rejuvenating their whole body wellness with phototherapy patches, then please feel free to pass this info along!

And reach out if you have any questions! I'd love to share more!

Wishing you abundant health, energy, and longevity!

Many blessings,

WellnessKara Maria Ananda