Healthy Hack for Balancing Hormones Naturally with Sunlight

Healthy Hack for Balancing Hormones Naturally with Sunlight

Did you know that you can boost your fertility, balance your hormones, and regulate your cycles with the natural energy of sunlight?

Natural sunlight is important for our bodies, brains, and hormones to support healthy biorhythms.

This includes managing when we wake up and go to sleep, when our brains produce hormones, and how long the menstrual cycle is. 

Getting outside each day regularly into the sunlight helps the body and brain to support health.

Our eyes and skin process information received from the sunlight which stimulates the neuroendocrine system to produce the needed hormones at the right time each day and month. 

Sunlight is an essential factor in optimizing women's health and wellness with benefits including increasing fertility, balancing menstrual cycles, and improving bone and heart health.

During the morning the sunlight has more high-frequency blue light in the spectrum which helps to set our biological rhythm as well as promote a good mood and increased health.

Women who live in Northern climates may ovulate less in the winter and have longer menstrual cycles during the darker times of the year because of decreased sunlight.

In the summertime, women have increased ovarian follicle size, more frequent ovulation, and higher levels of follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH).

It's especially important to get sunlight in the morning hours on the skin, the face, and through the eyes, and particularly in the week before ovulation for optimal egg health.

Regular sunlight exposure can increase fertility by up to 1/3! 

Vitamin D (calcitriol) is known as the sunshine vitamin, as it's most effectively received in the body through sunlight exposure on the skin, and is essential for both women's and men's reproductive health.

There are Vitamin D receptors in the uterus, ovaries, and placenta.

Vitamin D helps to regulate genes, estrogen, progesterone, bone density, embryo implantation, and increase male sperm cell health.

Vitamin D is also important in shortening and regulating menstrual cycles and increasing conception.

The best way to optimize sun exposure is to get outside in the sunlight for a few minutes at a time throughout the day. 

The light spectrum of sunlight changes throughout the day from more blue tones in the morning to warmer tones in the afternoon.

The changing color and frequency spectrum of natural sunlight conveys powerful information to our eyes, brain, and DNA throughout each day.

How to Biohack Your Health and Hormones with Sunlight

There are 4 prime times each day to get sunlight exposure:

Ideally, getting the sunlight in your eyes right after sunrise helps set your circadian rhythm for the day and wake you up. 

Getting mid-morning sun energizes your body and mind and further supports optimal hormone production. 

Being outside in the mid-day sunlight in the early afternoon is the best time for Vitamin D production. 

Then going outdoors in the sunlight in the sunset hour tells our brain and body to get ready for nighttime hormone production. 

The sunlight is the most powerful energy source available and it can not only power buildings and cars - it powers us! 

Get solar charged with the light spectrum and enhance ALL your biorhythms - from your sleep cycle to your menstrual cycle! 

Light is essential to boost your energy, mood and fertility! 

How can you enjoy the light more each day? 

Many blessings,